Coy Wraiths that "swim" through the air. Its primary defence mechanism is to emit an aura of sadness, dissuading predators and hostiles before they strike back.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Tidal Wyvern
Codename Aegir
Class Baleful Aberrant
Race Wraiths
Family Riftborn
Element Water
Weakness Null
Resistance Blast
Abilities Sad Aura, Shedder
Actions None

IQ 1/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 5/5
Compliance 1/5
Comradery 1/5

HP 4
Attack 8
Defence 5
Speed 8
Power 25

Rank 3
Lifespan 24 years
Diet Omni, Generic
Biomes Sea, Realm
Size 4
Tidal Claw Water, Edge
Spiral Null, Blast
Slam Null, Blunt

#94 - Kaleidon | Species | #96 - Revie