Towering Wraiths with a short fuse. Though generally solitary, it will gang up on intruders and close in to clobber them. Despite their large size for a lesser Wraith, they're surprisingly light and airy, relying on shockwaves of Riftdust to leave a mark.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Herding Saurian
Codename Rabble
Class Brute Aberrant
Race Wraiths
Family Riftborn
Element Ice
Weakness Null
Resistance Blast
Abilities Rage Aura, Fickle Fettle
Actions None

IQ 1/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 5/5
Compliance 1/5
Comradery 1/5

HP 7
Attack 4
Defence 12
Speed 2
Power 25

Rank 2
Lifespan 34 years
Diet Omni, Generic
Biomes Field, Realm
Size 6
Flurry Ice, Blast
Slam Null, Blunt
Claw Null, Edge

#93 - Garoberos | Species | #95 - Paliente