The Everlasting one with dominion over time. This Mythic . It's said that he can not only travel through this realm's linear timeline, but also throughout alternate instances.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title The Everlasting
Codename Aeternum
Class Unknown Aberrant
Race Mythicals
Family Otherworld
Element Temporal
Weaknesses None
Weaknesses Cosmic
Abilities Neutraliser, Violator
Actions Teleport, Riftwalk

IQ 5/5
Pitch 5/5
Moxie 5/5
Compliance 1/5
Comradery 1/5

HP 60
Attack 40
Defence 40
Speed 60
Power 200

Rank 10
Lifespan 200 years
Diet Herbi, Generic
Biomes Realm
Size 10
Termatismos Temporal, Blast
Chrono Crash Temporal, Blast
Eleventh Heaven Null, Blast
Primal Howl Null, Blunt

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