Verdant Blighters that are one with nature. Its cells have a similar composition to those of plants, allowing it to absorb energy from sunlight and breathe through its skin.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Nature Dragon
Codename Verdure
Class Despotic Blighter
Race Luminaries
Family Primeval
Element Nature
Weaknesses Metal, Stab
Resistances Water, Blast
Ability Synthesizer
Action Fly

IQ 5/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 1/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 31
Attack 14
Defence 12
Speed 23
Power 80

Rank 8
Lifespan 100 years
Diet Herbi, Generic
Biomes Field
Size 4
Furze Nature, Blast
Spark Electric, Blast
Spiral Null, Blast
Claw Null, Edge

#129 - Rytonus | Species | #131 - Serigard