Flighty Hawkers that move with even the faintest wind currents without flapping their wings. It percieves any incoming threats through changes in the wind and masks its presence by summoning smoke clouds. When threatened, it buffets its foes with a great vortex of wind, capable of ripping up entire swaths of foliage in its wake.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Wind Dragon
Codename Zenith
Class Despotic Hawker
Race Luminaries
Family Primeval
Element Wind
Weaknesses Ice, Blunt
Resistances Earth, Blast
Ability Tension
Action Fly

IQ 5/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 3/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 18
Attack 21
Defence 17
Speed 24
Power 80

Rank 8
Lifespan 100 years
Diet Omni, Generic
Biomes Montane
Size 5
Tornado Wind, Blast
Fireball Fire, Blast
Spiral Null, Blast
Claw Null, Edge

#126 - Delurath | Species | #128 - Nevernir