One of the legendary Primals that granted Reverians the power of generating electricity. A true force of nature that strikes fear in even the most courageous of Reverians, this Primal is capable of controlling the weather, summoning thunder and lightning at will. It's also revered as a deity of good harvests, having been spotted hovering over fields and releasing lightning bolts to bolster soils.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Thunder Lord
Codename Storms
Class Sylvan Aberrant
Race Luminaries
Family Primal
Element Electric
Weaknesses Wind, Edge
Resistance Stab
Abilities Primordial, Wild Blue
Action Fly

IQ 5/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 5/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 26
Attack 38
Defence 20
Speed 16
Power 100

Rank 10
Lifespan 150 years
Diet Omni, Generic
Biomes Barren
Size 8
Electrocute Electric, Blast
Electro Beam Electric, Blast
Fist Null, Blunt
Blast Null, Blast

#118 - Avalioth | Species | #120 - Viruvile