One of the legendary Primals that granted Reverians the power of Water. With a great wail, it summons torrential rain to create bodies of water for aquatic life. It doesn't take kindly to landlubbers on their domain, and countless islands were sunken to the depths in its wrath towards terrestrial life.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Water Lord
Codename Depths
Class Coiled Aberrant
Race Luminaries
Family Primal
Element Water
Weaknesses Electric, Edge
Resistance Blunt
Abilities Primordial, Rain Spell
Action Swim

IQ 2/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 5/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 32
Attack 27
Defence 32
Speed 9
Power 100

Rank 10
Lifespan 124 years
Diet Carni, Generic
Biomes Sea
Size 8
Deluge Water, Blast
Hydro Beam Water, Blast
Clamp Null, Blunt
Slam Null, Blunt

#115 - Emperus | Species | #117 - Kaizoroc