Artificial Animals created in experiments in search of further evolution. It lacks will and emotion, only acting on its masters' orders.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Rifted Vessel
Codename Fettered
Class Therian Puppet
Race Mutants
Family Loxaloid
Element -/-
Weaknesses None
Resistance Null
Abilities Inhumanity, Wild Call
Action Riftwalk

IQ 3/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 2/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 15
Attack 15
Defence 15
Speed 15
Power 60

Rank 6
Lifespan 8 years
Diet Omni, Generic
Biomes Realm
Size 5
Astralize Null, Blast
Claw Null, Edge
Stab Null, Stab
Fist Null, Blunt

#111 - Larvalos | Species | #113 - Servilos