Shackled Puppets made of clay and powered by a heart of Gazerite.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Avatar Effigy
Codename Greenbot
Class Unknown Puppet
Race Robots
Family Loxaloid
Element Nature
Weaknesses None
Resistance Null
Ability Accumulator
Actions None

IQ 3/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 5/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 10
Attack 10
Defence 10
Speed 10
Power 40

Rank 5
Lifespan 50 years
Diet Omni, Bot
Biomes Manmade
Size 2
Fist Null, Blunt
Stab Null, Stab
Claw Null, Edge
Shockwave Null, Blast

#108 - Stormheart Puparox | Species | #110 - Oakheart Puparox