An artificial Loxaloid construct created to pursue control of the elements. Built for general purpose building and landscaping work, these Metalox boast tough armour and tremendous strength. It's a very popular partner among construction workers and miners.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Metal Effigy
Codename Knowbot
Class Therian Puppet
Race Robots
Family Loxaloid
Element Earth
Weakness Stab
Resistances Earth, Blunt
Abilities Overclock, Badlander
Actions None

IQ 5/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 2/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 15
Attack 15
Defence 15
Speed 15
Power 60

Rank 6
Lifespan 128 years
Diet Geo, Bot
Biomes Manmade
Size 5
Treble Tremors Earth, Blunt
Primary Pulse Null, Blast
Stab Null, Stab
Fist Null, Blunt

#76 - Nature Metalox | Species | #78 - Zelaero