Bipedal creatures with the characteristics of Blighters. Well known for their perpetual frown and ability to breathe underwater, these Lox are seen as somewhat alien to others, even other Loxaloids. They are wise and noble, but also particularly stoic and stubborn, so it's hard to find common ground with them.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Sapient Avatar
Codename -
Class Unknown Aberrant
Race Lox
Family Loxaloid
Element -/-
Weakness Blast
Resistances None
Abilities Beastmaster, Cold Res
Action Swim

IQ 5/5
Pitch 1/5
Moxie 1/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 7
Attack 8
Defence 9
Speed 6
Power 30

Rank 3
Lifespan 80 years
Diet Omni, Generic
Biomes Marsh, Sea
Size 5
Hammer Headbutt Null, Blunt
Harpoon Horn Null, Stab
Clapper Claw Null, Edge
Rolling Breaker Null, Blunt

#66 - Northern Revalox | Species | #68 - Southern Revalox