Elegant Hawkers with an ethereal singing voice. It's capable of producing melodious, pleasing sounds that can charm and entertain. However, it was also very short-tempered, snapping and screaming at anyone who disturbs it or doesn't let it get its way. The Meicynia of today are particularly scornful of others, hardly paragons of beauty and grace.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Cantor Bird
Codename Siren
Class Soaring Hawker
Race Beastkin
Family Extinct
Element Water/Dark
Weaknesses Metal, Blunt
Resistances Wind , Edge
Ability Healing Heart
Action Swim

IQ 4/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 5/5
Compliance 4/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 24
Attack 14
Defence 6
Speed 16
Power 60

Rank 6
Lifespan 34 years
Diet Herbi, Birdy
Biomes Polar, Sea
Size 4
Laguna Down Water, Blast
Swan Song Light, Blast
Claw Null, Edge
Music Null, Blast

#25 - Giladex | Species | #27 - Velogoss