#023 - VARDIER

Winding Blighters that live in highlands. While it's physically frail, it's intelligence and agility allow it outsmart larger opponents and slash at their vitals. It's often seen wrapped around the shoulders of its Handlers, and loves to be stroked and brushed.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Pipe Beast
Codename Tubular
Class Winding Hawker
Race Animals
Family Fauna
Element Metal
Weaknesses Wind, Edge
Resistances Electric, Blast
Ability Interceptor
Actions None

IQ 4/5
Pitch 4/5
Moxie 2/5
Compliance 2/5
Comradery 1/5

HP 5
Attack 9
Defence 4
Speed 9
Power 27

Rank 2
Lifespan 17 years
Diet Carni, Beastly
Biomes Montane
Size 2
Metal Claw Metal, Edge
Clamp Null, Blunt
Claw Null, Edge

#22 - Vividera | Species | #24 - Teselos