#021 - REIVOS

Energetic Troopers that love to soak up the sun's rays. Living in barrens, it's always on the move in search of food and basking spots. It's particularly averse to cold environments and attacks, locking up and becoming frazzled once its body temperature falls.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Leaden Drake
Codename Wingmon
Class Beastly Trooper
Race Animals
Family Fauna
Element Wind
Weaknesses Ice, Blunt
Resistances Fire, Edge
Ability Heat Res
Action Scale

IQ 3/5
Pitch 2/5
Moxie 3/5
Compliance 3/5
Comradery 3/5

HP 5
Attack 8
Defence 9
Speed 6
Power 28

Rank 3
Lifespan 27 years
Diet Carni, Scaly
Biomes Barren
Size 4
Wave Wind, Blast
Spiral Null, Blast
Claw Null, Edge

#20 - Coludron | Species | #22 - Vividera