#019 - MORGRAX

Tricky Hawkers with tough skin instead of feathers or fur. Clever and mischievous, this Hawker will lull anything to get why it wants. It particularly hates being tied down, and never warms up to Handlers.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Pallid Critter
Codename Slicker
Class Sylvan Hawker
Race Animals
Family Fauna
Element Dark
Weaknesses Fire, Blunt
Resistances Wind , Edge
Ability Intuition
Action Fly

IQ 4/5
Pitch 3/5
Moxie 2/5
Compliance 1/5
Comradery 1/5

HP 11
Attack 6
Defence 5
Speed 6
Power 28

Rank 3
Lifespan 19 years
Diet Carni, Birdy
Biomes Field, Forest
Size 3
Hex Dark, Blast
Spiral Null, Blast
Claw Null, Edge

#18 - Worbolg | Species | #20 - Coludron