Odd Blighters with a tough, slimy body. Exclusive to the swamps and wetlands of Valeshore, this bulbous Blighter's slippery skin repels the harshest conditions and soaks up blows, but it's attacking power is particularly weak. It often hides away from others, though it can be traced with the trail of slime it leaves.

Riftcast Recut Data

Title Bubble Gaster
Codename Mucker
Class Plodding Blighter
Race Animals
Family Fauna
Element Water
Weaknesses Nature, Blast
Resistances Electric, Blunt
Ability Regenerator
Actions None

IQ 1/5
Pitch 2/5
Moxie 1/5
Compliance 2/5
Comradery 2/5

HP 9
Attack 3
Defence 14
Speed 4
Power 30

Rank 2
Lifespan 10 years
Diet Omni, Buggy
Biomes Marsh, Sea
Size 3
Bubble Water, Blast
Slam Null, Blunt
Paw Null, Blunt

#15 - Lutala | Species | #17 - Therogon