Overview | Members | Duties |


The Frontiers Society is an organization that specializes on researching and investigating the lands of Reveria. They are also tasked with studying and conserving the various species of Reveria, ranging from the meek Lessers to mighty Mythics.


The core members of the society have a deep desire to see the unknown, and the Society is a perfect outlet for their ambitions. Its members are brave, adventurous, and willing to face any dangers. Also affiliated are many accomplished researchers and ecologists, who may accompany Venturers of the Society on field work.

The most common way to register with the Society is to go through the a Venturing Course at the Interspecies Institute, where students receive a comprehensive education in all aspects of exploration and exploration. This includes lessons on wilderness survival, navigation, ecology, geology, and a wide variety of other subjects.

Other ways to join the Society include joining a Frontier Expedition, where recruits are taken on a guided exploration of the unknown and are evaluated based on their performance.


The Society's main focus is the exploration and documentation of the world's many wonders, but it also engages in other activities like conservation, disaster relief, and scientific research. In sum, its members are dedicated to the preservation and study of the world's natural beauty and rich diversity of life.