Overview | History | Registry | Duties |


The Creature Co-Op is an inter-species cooperative that represents all intelligent species in Reveria. Multiple bases are located in 10 settlements of Reveria, each headed by an Operator. Each cooperative also serves as accommodation for stateless and roaming Reverians.


The Creature Co-Op was originally founded as an organization that advocated for Beastkin rights as equal citizens. As relations between Loxaloids and Beastkin began to warm up over the centuries (with the help of the organization), as did its membership as Loxaloids joined in as members and advisors to the organization.

As the oldest organization on Reveria, it has accumulated both knowledge and wisdom on Reverian relations over the centuries, and its reach would spread through information distribution, diplomacy and the use of force when necessary to enforce its mandates. Though it primarily focuses on Beastkin, they are receptive to Loxaloids, both organic and artificial, and species of other, more uncommon families.


In order to work for the Co-Op, one must undergo training courses to become a licensed Handler, a rare order of Trainers who serve to raise both wild and civilized Reverians for companionship and protection. The work can be physically and mentally taxing, particularly for those with a full party of Reverians under their wing.

Handlers focus on keeping their charges happy and healthy, ensuring that they can function as well as they can in society. They are held in high regard and considered to be one of the most important jobs in Reverian society due to their important responsibilities.

Relationships between Handlers and their sapient partners range from master-servant to pet-owner types, and though most Handlers either recruit partners from the wild as young Lessers and Animals or adopt them as children, some manage to befriend sapient adults that don't have a home.

As the organization doesn't discriminate among species, anyone sapient is eligible for registration, though it is rather ill-advised for smaller species such as Galmagus and Lapagos to handle the larger majority of tameable species.

Operators, on the other hand, run the cooperative of their designated settlement, renting out rooms to homeless and vulnerable Reverians, training potential Handlers and seeking to improve the lives of Reverians in their jurisdiction.


The cooperative deals with both intra- and inter-species issues, including protection against illegal poaching, helping in resolving conflicts between clashing cultures and between Loxaloids and Beastkin. While it has little presence in Lox-dominated societies, its reach and power in other settlements is not to be trifled with, particularly in the cities of Dawnshire and Duskwick.

The Co-Op also takes responsibility for abusive Handlers that mistreat their chasers, though that only happens in the more shady corners of society. The cooperative is very strict in making sure that such abuse doesn't happen, and any Handler who is found out to be mistreating their charges will be subject to the wrath of the Operators, likely their expulsion, loss of their license and maybe even a criminal charge if the abuse is particularly severe.